About us

As I started to establish the Lancaster Fine Art Online Gallery, I was acutely conscious of the additional difficulties many of our emerging visual artists face when creatively working hard to achieve excellence in their chosen profession.

Not only is their battle about striving for brilliant creativity, they also have to face the increasing difficulty in finding suitable venues to exhibit their work in. After that, comes the need for publicity and promotion.

So to succeed, today's visual artist has to become a quasi real estate agent and a PR expert rolled into the existing artist's profile.

It is not surprising therefore, that many artists just give up on their passion and talent. Opting instead for a "real job" and at best continue to dabble with their passion, as a hobby only.


P O Box 62 , Woody Point Q 4019

(07) 328-48087

24 hrs x 7 days x 52 weeks per year

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